
OpenHufu is a privacy computing data federated system based on secure multi-party computing, federated learning and other technologies based on the concept of "Data can't move. Data is available and invisible".

Code Resource System Description


Multi-party data retrieval management

Cross-domain data access and storage
Multi-scenario data collaborative management

Multi-party data privacy computing

High security data privacy protection
High-performance data privacy computing

Multi-party data query and analysis

Multi-party data query
Interactive data syndication analysis

Multi-party data query and analysis

Customized federated learning strategies
Stabilize federated learning configurations


Stronger Security

Self-controlled privacy computing tools

Self-developed privacy computing operators, support mainstream privacy computing protocols, and can resist semi-honest/malicious adversary attacks

More Diversified

Flexible deployment of data federation

Compatible with data management tools and big data computing platforms. It supports multiple physical/virtual deployment methods at the end, cloud, and edge

Higher Performance

Secure multi-party federated query policy

It supports 100 million-level data scale to respond to federated queries within seconds, and provides personalized federated query computing services

Wider Adaptability

Custom federated learning model design

Expert federated learning scheme design, suitable for horizontal federation, vertical federation, federated transfer learning scenarios

System Framework


[PVLDB22] Hu-Fu: Efficient and Secure Spatial Queries over Data Federation(CCF-A类)

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