
  1. 从数据联邦到联邦学习
    世界人工智能大会 2022 (WAIC 2022),上海,中国,2022年9月。
  2. 基于安全多方计算的数据联邦技术浅谈
    Gauss松鼠会 | 大咖讲堂 ,北京, 中国,2022年3月。
  3. 从数据联邦到联邦学习
    中国计算机学会学科前沿班——CCF ADL第115期,北京,中国,2021年4月。
  4. 面向共享出行的空间众包计算
    中国计算机学会学科前沿班——CCF ADL第103期,北京,中国,2019年9月。


  1. [TKDE 2023] Yongxin Tong, Dingyuan Shi, Yi Xu, Weifeng Lv, Zhiwei Qin, Xiaocheng Tang. "Combinatorial Optimization Meets Reinforcement Learning: Effective Taxi Order Dispatching at Large-Scale", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2023. PDF
  2. [TKDE 2023] Yexuan Shi, Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Bolin Ding, Lei Chen. "Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation over Large-scale Spatial Data Federation", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(1): 418-430, January 2023. PDF
  3. [SIGMOD 2023] Yuxiang Zeng, Yongxin Tong, Lei Chen. "LiteHST: A Tree Embedding based Method for Similarity Search", to apprear in Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Seattle, WA, USA, June 18-23, 2023. (CCF A类)
  4. [PVLDB 2022] Yongxin Tong, Xuchen Pan, Yuxiang Zeng, Yexuan Shi, Chunbo Xue, Zimu Zhou, Xiaofei Zhang, Lei Chen, Yi Xu, Ke Xu, Weifeng Lv. "Hu-Fu: Efficient and Secure Spatial Queries over Data Federation", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 15(6): 1159-1172, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF Poster
  5. [PVLDB 2022] Xuchen Pan, Yongxin Tong, Chunbo Xue, Zimu Zhou, Junping Du, Yuxiang Zeng, Yexuan Shi, Xiaofei Zhang, Lei Chen, Yi Xu, Ke Xu, Weifeng Lv. "Hu-Fu: A Data Federation System for Secure Spatial Queries"(Demo paper), Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF Poster
  6. [软件学报 2022] 吕卫锋, 郑志明, 童咏昕, 张瑞升, 魏淑越, 李卫华. "基于大数据的分布式社会治理智能系统", 软件学报, 33(3): 931-949, March 2022. (CCF A类中文期刊) PDF
  7. [TKDE 2022] Hao Liu, Yongxin Tong, Jindong Han, Panpan Zhang, Xinjiang Lu, Hui Xiong. "Incorporating Multi-Source Urban Data for Personalized and Context-Aware Multi-Modal Transportation Recommendation", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(2): 723-735, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF
  8. [TKDE 2022] Yi Xu, Yongxin Tong, Yexuan Shi, Qian Tao, Ke Xu, Wei Li. "An Efficient Insertion Operator in Dynamic Ridesharing Services", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(8): 3583-3596, August 2022. PDF
  9. [TODS 2022] Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Lei Chen, Ke Xu. "Unified Route Planning for Shared Mobility: An Insertion-based Framework", ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 47(1): 2:1-2:48, March 2022. (CCF A类) PDF
  10. [ICDE 2022] Yexuan Shi, Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Bolin Ding, Lei Chen. "Efficient Approximate Range Aggregation over Large-scale Spatial Data Federation(Extended Abstract)", Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Data Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 9-12, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF
  11. [SIGMOD 2022] Yuxiang Zeng, Yongxin Tong, Lei Chen. "Faster and Better Solution to Embed Lp Metrics by Tree Metrics", Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data,Pages 2135–2148, Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 12-17, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF
  12. [SIGKDD 2022] Yansheng Wang, Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou, Ziyao Ren, Yi Xu, Guobin Wu, Weifeng Lv. "Fed-LTD: Towards Cross-Platform Ride Hailing via Federated Learning to Dispatch", Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pages 4079–4089, Washington D.C., USA, August 14-18, 2022. (CCF A类) PDF
  13. [DASFAA 2022] Ruisheng Zhang, Yansheng Wang, Zimu Zhou, Ziyao Ren, Yongxin Tong, Ke Xu. "Data Source Selection in Federated Learning: A Submodular Optimization Approach", Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Pages 606-614, Hyderabad, India, April 11-15, 2022. PDF
  14. [TKDE 2022] Yuanyuan Zhang, Yexuan Shi, Zimu Zhou, Chunbo Xue, Yi Xu, Ke Xu, Junping Du. "Efficient and Secure Skyline Queries over Vertical Data Federation", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022.(CCF A类) PDF
  15. [TIST 2021] Di Jiang, Yongxin Tong, Yuanfeng Song, Xueyang Wu, Weiwei Zhao, Jinhua Peng, Rongzhong Lian, Qian Xu, Qiang Yang. "Industrial Federated Topic Modeling", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 12(1): 2:1-2:22, January, 2021. PDF
  16. [TIST 2021] Di Jiang, Conghui Tan, Jinhua Peng, Chaotao Chen, Xueyang Wu, Weiwei Zhao, Yuanfeng Song, Yongxin Tong, Chang Liu, Qian Xu, Qiang Yang, Li Deng. "A GDPR-compliant Ecosystem for Speech Recognition with Transfer, Federated, and Evolutionary Learning", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 12(3): 30:1-30:19, June, 2021. PDF
  17. [软件学报 2021] 史鼎元, 王晏晟, 郑鹏飞, 童咏昕. "面向企业数据孤岛的联邦排序学习", 软件学报, 32(3): 669-688, March 2021. (CCF A类中文期刊) PDF
  18. [软件学报 2022] 李书缘, 季与点, 史鼎元, 廖旺冬, 张利鹏, 童咏昕,许可. "面向多方安全的数据联邦系统", 软件学报, 33(3): 1111-1127, March 2022. (CCF A类中文期刊) PDF
  19. [TKDE 2021] Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Bolin Ding, Libin Wang, Lei Chen. "Two-Sided Online Micro-Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 33(5): 2295-2309, May 2021. (CCF A类) PDF Code&Data
  20. [IS 2021] Yexuan Shi, Yongxin Tong, Zhiyang Su, Di jiang, Zimu Zhou, Wenbin Zhang. "Federated Topic Discovery: A Semantic Consistent Approach", IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2021. PDF
  21. [ICDE 2021] Yansheng Wang, Yongxin Tong, Dingyuan Shi, Ke Xu. "An Efficient Approach for Cross-Silo Federated Learning to Rank", Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Data Engineering, Pages 648-659, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 19-22, 2021. (CCF A类) PDF Slides
  22. [MDM 2021] Qian Tao, Yongxin Tong, Shuyuan Li, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Ke Xu. "A Differentially Private Task Planning Framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing", Proceedings of 22nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Toronto, Canada, June 15-18, 2021. PDF
  23. [SIGKDD 2021] Dingyuan Shi, Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou, Bingchen Song, Weifeng Lv, Qiang Yang. "Learning to Assign: Towards Fair Task Assignment in Large-Scale Ride Hailing", Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Singapore, Singapore, August 14-18, 2021. (CCF A类) PDF
  24. [CIKM 2021] Dawei Gao, Xiaoxi He, Zimu Zhou, Yongxin Tong, Lothar Thiele. "Pruning Meta-Trained Networks for On-Device Adaptation", Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, November 1-5, 2021. PDF
  25. [SIGKDD 2021] Xiaoxi He, Dawei Gao, Zimu Zhou, Yongxin Tong, Lothar Thiele. "Pruning-Aware Merging for Efficient Multitask Inference", Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Singapore, Singapore, August 14-18, 2021. (CCF A类) PDF
  26. [ICDE 2021] Yuxiang Zeng, Yongxin Tong, Lei Chen. "HST+: An Efficient Index for Embedding Arbitrary Metric Spaces", Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Data Engineering, Pages 1128-1139, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 19-22, 2021. (CCF A类) PDF Slides
  27. [GEIN 2020] Tianshu Song, Ke Xu, Jiangneng Li, Yiming Li, Yongxin Tong. "Multi-skill Aware Task Assignment in Real-time Spatial Crowdsourcing", GeoInformatica, 24(1): 153–173, January 2020. PDF
  28. [GEIN 2020] Yiming Li, Jingzhi Fang, Yuxiang Zeng, Balz Maag, Yongxin Tong, Lingyu Zhang. "Two-sided Online Bipartite Matching in Spatial Data: Experiments and Analysis", GeoInformatica, 24(1): 175–198, January 2020. PDF Code&Data
  29. [VLDBJ 2020] Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou, Yuxiang Zeng, Lei Chen, Cyrus Shahabi. "Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Survey", The VLDB Journal, 29(1): 217–250, January 2020. (CCF A类) PDF
  30. [DEB 2020] Yongxin Tong, Yansheng Wang, Dingyuan Shi. "Federated Learning in the Lens of Crowdsourcing", IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 43(3): 26-36, 2020. PDF
  31. [SIGKDD 2020] Dawei Gao, Xiaoxi He, Zimu Zhou, Yongxin Tong, Ke Xu, Lothar Thiele. "Rethinking Pruning for Accelerating Deep Inference At the Edge", Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pages 155-164, San Diego, California, USA, August 23-27, 2020. (CCF A类) PDF
  32. [ICDE 2020] Qian Tao, Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou, Yexuan Shi, Lei Chen, Ke Xu. "Differentially Private Online Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Tree-based Approach", Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Data Engineering, Pages 517-528, Dallas, Texas, USA, April 20-24, 2020. (CCF A类) PDF
  33. [AAAI 2020] Yansheng Wang, Yongxin Tong, Dingyuan Shi. "Federated Latent Dirichlet Allocation: A Local Differential Privacy Based Framework", Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pages 6283-6290, New York, USA, January 7-12, 2020. (CCF A类) PDF Poster
  34. [DASFAA 2020] Conghui Tan, Di Jiang, Huaxiao Mo, Jinhua Peng, Yongxin Tong, Weiwei Zhao, Chaotao Chen, Rongzhong Lian, Yuanfeng Song, Qian Xu. "Federated Acoustic Model Optimization for Automatic Speech Recognition", Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, Pages 771-774, Jeju, South Korea, September 24-27, 2020. PDF
  35. [TIST 2019] Qiang Yang, Yang Liu, Tianjian Chen, Yongxin Tong. "Federated Machine Learning: Concept and Applications", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 10(2): 12:1-12:19, February 2019. PDF
  36. [TKDE 2022] Yi Xu, Yongxin Tong, Yexuan Shi, Qian Tao, Ke Xu, Wei Li. "An Efficient Insertion Operator in Dynamic Ridesharing Services", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 34(8): 3583-3596, August 2022. PDF
  37. [TIST 2021] Di Jiang, Yongxin Tong, Yuanfeng Song, Xueyang Wu, Weiwei Zhao, Jinhua Peng, Rongzhong Lian, Qian Xu, Qiang Yang. "Industrial Federated Topic Modeling", ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 12(1): 2:1-2:22, January, 2021. PDF
  38. [SIGKDD 2019] Hao Liu, Yongxin Tong, Panpan Zhang, Xinjiang Lu, Jianguo Duan, Hui Xiong. "Hydra: A Personalized and Context-Aware Multi-Modal Transportation Recommendation System", Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pages 2314-2324, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, August 4-8, 2019. (CCF A类) PDF
  39. [BigData 2019] Tianshu Song, Yongxin Tong, Shuyue Wei. "Profit Allocation for Federated Learning", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Pages 2577-2586, Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9-12,2019. PDF Slides
  40. [SIGSPATIAL Special 2018] Yongxin Tong, Zimu Zhou. "Dynamic Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing", SIGSPATIAL Special, 10(2): 18-25, July 2018. PDF
  41. [PVLDB 2018] Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Lei Chen, Jieping Ye, Ke Xu. "A Unified Approach to Route Planning for Shared Mobility", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 11(11): 1633-1646, 2018. (CCF A类) PDF Slides
  42. [SIGMOD 2018] Yongxin Tong, Libin Wang, Zimu Zhou, Lei Chen, Bowen Du, Jieping Ye. "Dynamic Pricing in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Matching-Based Approach", in Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Pages 773-788, Houston, TX, USA, June 10-15, 2018. (CCF A类) PDF
  43. [PVLDB 2017] Yongxin Tong, Libin Wang, Zimu Zhou, Bolin Ding, Lei Chen, Jieping Ye, Ke Xu. "Flexible Dynamic Task Assignment in Real-Time Spatial Data", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 10(11): 1334-1345, 2017. (CCF A类) PDF Poster
  44. [SIGKDD 2017] Yongxin Tong, Yuqiang Chen, Zimu Zhou, Lei Chen, Jie Wang, Qiang Yang, Jieping Ye, Weifeng Lv. "The Simpler The Better: A Unified Approach to Predicting Original Taxi Demands based on Large-Scale Online Platforms", in Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pages 1653-1662, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August 13-17, 2017. (CCF A类) PDF
  45. [PVLDB 2016] Yongxin Tong, Jieying She, Bolin Ding, Lei Chen, Tianyu Wo, Ke Xu. "Online Minimum Matching in Real-Time Spatial Data: Experiments and Analysis", Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 9(12): 1053-1064, 2016. (CCF A类) PDF Poster
  46. [ICDE 2016] Yongxin Tong, Jieying She, Bolin Ding, Libin Wang, Lei Chen. "Online Mobile Micro-Task Allocation in Spatial Crowdsourcing", in Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering, Pages 49-60, Helsinki, Finland, May 16-20, 2016. (CCF A类) PDF Poster